2 Radiogenic Sources of Different Power
TEC Eurolab has 2 radiogenic sources of 160 KV (placed in a modular cabinet) and 320 KV, respectively.
The latter is placed in a concrete bunker and mounted on an anthropomorphic support system to ensure inspection of components with complex geometry.

In relation to detectors, complementary to the X-ray source in order to obtain an evaluable X-ray image, TEC Eurolab offers 3 different solutions, each with distinctive features:
RT Film Technique
TEC Eurolab can perform radiographic checks on film in accordance with UNI EN ISO 5579 (ACCREDIA Accreditation 17025) and in accordance with ASTM E1742 / E1742M (NADCAP Accreditation Checklist AC7114/4). Radiographic film inspection can be applied to numerous types of industrial artifacts, ensuring high sensitivities and, thanks to the periodic checks performed, preservation of the data for the timeframes required for quality assurance purposes.
RT No Film CR (Computed Radiography) technique using phosphor screens
TEC Eurolab is ACCREDIA 17025 accredited in the RT Non Film CR method according to UNI EN ISO 16371-2. The acquisition of a CR system in 2015, and the very rapid ACCREDIA 17025 accreditation, has made it possible to offer a radiographic control that retains much of the RT Film control (Plate flexibility combined with high scanning resolutions) while providing a digital-like output that is more easily shared with the customer. This control is carried out on many types of components and finds preferential application in the control of AM artifacts where the greater latitude of pose, compared with RT Film control, allows for image-quality observation of larger areas with the same projection and exposure position.
RT No Film DR (Digital Radiography) technique using DDA panel
TEC Eurolab has recently acquired a system for performing radiographic inspections according to ASTM E2798 and ASTM E2737. This technique, which combines high sensitivity and repeatability, with high production capabilities will undergo NADCAP accreditation according to Checklist AC 7114/10 during 2022 to complete the offer in Radiography.
Do you need a non-destructive test with the radiographic method?